Explanations about DIN standards and EC classifications Leave a comment

Advantages of our Stainless Steel Rules

We use very high quality German steel from steel plants

• steel code 1.4310

• due to the high chromium content has this steel best stainless steel attributes

Our stainless steel rules are permitted in food industry and medical technology

• because we only use high quality steel (1.4310)

• because we have a special process for scaling / marking (etching technology)

Our etching technology does not require aggressive acids and no toxic paints.

Our environmental friendly etching technology is developed in 1993 by our own engineers.

For this reason we do have the permission to supply our stainless steel rules to the food industry and medical technology.

Other steel rule standards are not approved for these field in Europe.

Many manufacturers etch the scales and steel rules with aggressive acid. Afterwards the graduation is colored with toxic paint

(mainly in black and red). But the color may be dissolved slowly in liquids.

That means these steel rules are not permitted in the tank construction and boiler industry: not for the drinks-, food industry

and not for medical technology at all.

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